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British Infantry:
Falcon Figures (UK)

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Like so many manufacturers, Falcon sells their figures in bags of 8, one pose per bag. Here we find a sample of BRN03, the advancing pose. As the photos show pretty well, I think, this is a fairly unexciting figure. Like many of the miniatures reviewed here, the detail is fairly plain. Items of equipment are clearly delineated from each other, and small details are omitted in favor of a clean casting. The face is not very exciting and the equipment pretty plain. The canteen is a simple disc, while the cartridge box is a simple cube. This makes for a figure that is easy to paint in a relatively short time. But it also makes for a miniature that does not reward extra effort to bring it to life with a superior paint job.

This is also a figure in which the proportions are all over the place. The legs are at least to close to long enough, but the shins are thicker than the thighs. The hands are huge (the right hand is the same size as the face) and the arms are as thick as the thighs. And again we have a soldier with feet smaller than my sister (any “Die Hard” fans out there?). Still, viewed not too closely it does avoid the obvious “dwarfishness” of other brands.

The pose is pretty static, even for the stance I chose. Based on this one sample pack I don’t think I would expect lively or dynamic poses in any of their other offerings. At least, I’m not about to rack up the Visa for the privilege of finding out. At least the pose is realistic - this soldier is clearly in balance, and the legs reflect a natural “mid-step” pose.

While there is no flaw so serious here that would make me melt them down, neither are there any really outstanding characteristics that would encourage me to perhaps try additional reinforcements from Falcon.

Page Last Updated May 1, 2005

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