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Figure Reviews: 15mm
British RHA Limber by Jacobite

The Purchase: I’m not entirely sure. This is a British artillery limber by Jacobite, but I don’t know the item number, and the company is now on hiatus. The bag included two complete limbers, each with a two-driver figure and two horses.

First Impressions: The first thing I had to figure out was how to put the thing together. I wasn’t sure of the proper positioning of the JacBritLimber1horses. A little research led me to the answer and when I mocked it up, it looked all right. The horses are nothing to write home about - the heads look too large to me. I liked the two-driver figure.

The Thigh Bone’s Connected to the Hip Bone: It’s a bit hard to tell, given the side-by-side sitting pose, but it looks pretty good from an anatomical perspective. All the body parts look like they belong to the same human body.

Beware of Scrambled Eggs: I find Jacobite miniatures have a wide range of quality. Some are downright terrible. This piece is what I would call decent. The drivers could have been a real mess but the details on each were distinct, even where they touched.

God Is In. The Details: I have very limited reference on British artillery, but it certainly looks accurate to me. The helmets have nice detail and the jackets UgliestHorseare easy to paint.

The Verdict: Overall these are a little better than average, but for Jacobite that’s the best I’ve seen from this now defunct brand. The horses are, I think, the weakest part of the figure. But please don’t hold my paint job against them. I was trying to do a spotted gray and wound up with this Wite-Out special.

Paint By Numbers (My Paint Choices): Uniform jacket - Polly-S Prussian Blue; Pants  - Model Master Neutral Gray; Cuffs and collars - Polly S SP Scarlet.


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